Delicious Taiwanese Starch Meat Ball Noodles 肉羹湯麵 at Taiwan Cafe, Chinatown...the closest u can get to authentic Taiwanese ones, though admittedly still not as good as the ones in Taipei..anyway, please be sure to tell them to replace the white noodles (which they normally use and which is NOT nice and NOT authentic) with yellow noodles which tastes ALOT nicer..
My Easter Cake
Cheap Fried Jiaozhi (dumplings) at Chinatown David and Camy's Noodle Place
One of my favourite Japanese-style Chinese Dishes:
Mabo Tofu マーボー豆腐 麻婆豆腐
Had this at Yu.u on Flinders Lane. Yum...
4 hours ago
looks kinda nice ler
hey, u didn't say who u had lunch with?
any possibility for a hukilicious hot male?
Happy easter dude...oppss...forgot...i use dude too much on u :P Happy easter babe.
ks: Thanks for the comment....who i had lunch with? Well...thats a secret...haha...
Anon: Hiya! Thanks! Happy Easter to u too!
Hmmm... didnt realise China Town has such great dishes...hmmmm
lawboycool:謝 謝 你 的 留 言 。 非 常 高 興 能 認 識 到 一 個 法 律 界 的 朋 友 的 部 落 克 。 要 常 常 來 我 的 部 落 克 逛 逛 留 言 唷 。 。 我 也 在 你 的 部 落 克 留 言 了 。 。 。 再 次 謝 謝 ﹗
i want to go and try the 肉羹湯麵. Do they have mee sua there too?
我來了 ..
因為我必須讀完 STPM 就出來社會賺錢生存,
dmnk: Hi. Yeah try it out...Taiwan Cafe has alot of Taiwanese dishes which are quite authentic like 鹵 豆 干﹐ 海 帶 ﹐ 豬 耳 朵 ﹐ 貢 碗 湯 ﹐ ETC. Don't know if u had them in Taiwan, but worth a try..also saw u again the other day at 7-11, i don't know why u always complain u need to be on a diet on ur blog cos this time i had a good look and u look SO thin, u don't need to worry about being fat lar..(i am sure u r happy to hear that)so go eat all the nice cakes now!
Ooby:謝 謝 你 的 留 言 。 。 。 我 也 在 你 的 部 落 克 留 言 了 ﹐ 希 望 你 看 到 。 。 我 深 信 你 有 一 天 也 能 到 處 遊 玩 的 。 你 的 部 落 克 是 我 唯 一 閱 讀 的 同 志 中 文 博 克 。 很 喜 歡 中 文 的 ﹐ 因 為 用 中 文 怎 麼 樣 還 是 比 英 文 更 加 能 夠 表 達 出 人 的 感 情 吧 。 希 望 你 能 時 常 來 我 這 逛 並 留 言 唷 ﹗
dmnk: Sorry! Totally forgot to answer ur question,do you mean 'or ar mee sua' (cannot remember how to write in chinese but its that famous taiwanese mee sua dish)or mee sua in the noodle soup dish? If later, then no they cannot put mee sua in that noodle soup cos taiwanese just don't eat it like that...i think they also have the or ar mee sua dish...
oh i meant or ar mee sua one of my favourites
say hi next time you see me!
i dint see you sorry.
yeah, thats nice...too bad i doubt they have nice ones in melbourne cos that mee sua is hard to need to say sorry, i prob look different from my photo anyway...yep, will definitely say hi next time, i mean if i were to meet u by chance 3 times, obviously yuan fen lor..
滑翔翼﹕ 謝 謝 留 言 ﹗ 真 的 萬 分 感 激 。 。 要 時 常 來 我 這 逛 唷 。 。 。 並 留 言 ﹗ 還 有 你 寫 的 好 有 道 理。 。 。 完 全 同 意 。 。
可 以 呀 ﹗ 我 已 留 言 了 。 。 有 空 來 我 這 走 走 唷 ﹗
不行啦~ 你去看看~
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